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Recommended load balancing solutions (especially with PostgreSQL)?

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Mark Stosberg
January 4, 2007 11:55
Recommended load balancing solutions (especially with PostgreSQL)?
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Today I've been researching database load balancing solutions to use
with an Apache/mod_perl application and a PostgreSQL database. Right now
I'm using Slony-I for replication, and it seems to work well enough.

The following is the conclusions I've come to from my own research.
Feedback from actual experience is appreciated.

- pgpool
pgpool is one solution to load balancing PostgreSQL connections.
However, I found a number of things not to like about it (again, mostly
from research):
  -- says it adds 7 to 15% overhead.
  -- Dumb about "SELECT nextval". They all need a space before them.
     An accident here could cause havoc, when "SELECT nextval" gets
     sent to a read-only db copy.
  -- Has a bad failover policy: If the master becomes unavailable,

     it starts sending both reads and writes to the read-only slave:

- DBD::Multiplex
There's a fairly recent thread on why not to use this module:

I found a couple more issues that looked like bugs to me:

Some SELECTs will be falsely classifed as "modifying" statements

no support for SELECTs that modify


What's beginning to appeal to me know is to solve part load balancing in
the application by using two database handles: a read/write one, and a
read-only one. From there, it's much easier problem to solve: The R/w
handle always talks to the master and the Read-only handle can be load
balanced without being so "smart".   Some further details about going
this route:

   - I would leave the default handle as "read-write". That means if I
accidently miss converting a handle to "read only" somewhere, it will
still work, it just won't be load-balanced.

   - CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH will make adding the second handle
easy. I'll still use $self->dbh() to access the default handle, and
$self->dbh('ro') for the new Read-only handle.

    - DBD::Multi looks like it could handle this kind of simple load
balancing. As a bonus, it has some fail-over logic in it, so if the
slave was unvailable for a bit, that would be handled transparently.

Does that seem sound? What's worked for you?


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