Hello, ** First time posting, please excuse possible novice mistakes ** SETUP: web server: win 32 Apache running on a windows 2003 server machine, activePerl database: MS SQL hosted on a separate windows server at my organization. PROBLEM: I cannot get my $dbh -> connect() line to work. I have spent all day reading different documentation for DBI and DBD::ODBC, as well as different websites, and I can't make a connection. Does anyone have experience with these Microsoft beasts? Here is the sample code that I have hobbled together from different docs: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ use DBI; use strict; use diagnostics; my $data_source = 'driver={SQL Server};Server=<server_name>; database=<database_name>;uid=<username>; pwd=<passwrd>;'; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$data_source") or die "$DBI::errstr"; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I do not have the errors, because I do not have read access to the error logs right now, and CGI::carp is not working correctly. Also, I checked and ODBC is listed as an available driver for DBI. I would appreciate if anyone has some light to shed on the problem. Thank you, Jordan Mueller Data Manager Brigham and Women's HospitalThread Next