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CLOB Problem with DBD::ODBC/DBD::ADO for SQL Server

Mickautsch, Alfred
January 26, 2007 05:01
CLOB Problem with DBD::ODBC/DBD::ADO for SQL Server
Message ID:

I have a problem with inserting CLOBS into a SQL Server database.
With the attached scripts, we replicate table data schema between different databases.
These databases are located on different servers running Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server.
We use Activestate perl 5.8.0 on Windows 2000 and XP with DBI 1.52, DBD::Oracle 1.15 for Oracle, DBD::DB2 0.78 for DB2 and DBD::ODBC 1.13 and/or DBD::ADO 2.95 for SQL Server.
Replication between Oracle and DB2 works ok.
There is a difference on the SQL Server databases: all fields that are CLOBs on Oracle and DB2 are NCLOBs on SQL Server.
When inserting data (ASCII data which comes from a Oracle CLOB) into a NCLOB on SQL Server, backslashes at the end of a line seem to be interpreted as escape characters and the backslash and the following newline are removed from the data.
Can somebody tell me what to do, so that the CLOB data is not modified?
If this problem is off topic please point me to the right list. Thank you.

Servus -- Alfred

Alfred Mickautsch

Schuler Business Solutions AG
Karl-Berner-Str. 4
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