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error in locating loadable object in DBI module.

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Tapas Kumar Swain
January 31, 2007 07:25
error in locating loadable object in DBI module.
Message ID:


        I am new to perl. I am using  Active state perl for windows XP

I am trying export data from text file to an remote sql server database .I
have followed  the code given in URL
<> .

But I am getting error in the module that is "can't locate loadable
object for module DBi in @INC.


I have gone through the module where it is written it will show if
installation is wrong. But I am using active state perl  and I have saved
the source file in perl lib folder.

So kindly help me out on this issue. Kindly let me know  what I have to do
for proper installation.



Thanks And Regards,


Tapas Kumar Swain

Phone No-+919968106138



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