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Postings from December 2006
Re: out of memory
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louis fridkis
December 29, 2006 08:46
Re: out of memory
Message ID:
Thanks for your reply's. No, I'm not insulted. This is a quick-and-dirty to
generate some test data. But, I do appreciate the comments since I am eager
to improve.
There is no suppressed code. I showed you the whole program except for the
header. Here is the full program (except where I substituted foo, bar, jar):
use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh_from = DBI->connect(
my ($table_name, $sqlstring) = @ARGV;
$dbh_from->do('SET search_path TO cel, part_elementresult, public');
my $cel_sth = $dbh_from->prepare($sqlstring);
# added & replaced:
#while(my (@rowvalues) = $cel_sth->fetchrow_array()){
my @rowvalues;
my $rv;
my $elementresult_id;
my $element_id;
my $quantification_id;
my $signal;
$rv = $cel_sth->bind_columns(\($elementresult_id, $element_id,
$quantification_id, $signal));
@rowvalues = ($elementresult_id, $element_id, $quantification_id,
# end
# added & replaced
my $printstring= "insert into $table_name values(";
foreach my $column (@rowvalues){
if (defined $column){
if($column =~ /\D/){
$column = "'".$column."'"
unless ($column =~ /\d*\.\d+/);
$printstring.= "$column,";
} else {
$printstring.= "NULL,";
$printstring =~ s/,$/);/;
print "$printstring\n";
#my $dbh_to = DBI->connect(
# 'dbi:Pg:dbname=TestIO;host=bar');
# $dbh_to->do($printstring);
As you can see from the comments I originally used: fetchrow_array(). I
changed in the hopes that fetch() would work better. The reason I think it
tries to hold all the rows in memory is because it works when the query in
$sqlstring returns a small number of rows, but fails with the "out of
memory" error when it returns a large number of rows.
On 12/28/06, Marius Feraru <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ron Savage wrote:
> > On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 05:08:48 +0200, Marius Feraru wrote:
> >> You forgot to notice Louis' ugly way (and error prone) of
> > No I didn't - I was just too polite to hammer OP despite the low
> > quality of the code, so I chose a gentle hint or two.
> Oops, does this mean I was rude to point out some more hints? My
> apologies then ;-)
> happy coding everyone :)
> - --
> Marius Feraru
> 63pWRvMIKO1YncCHZhwxdYY=
> =IA9T
Lou Fridkis
Human Genetics
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