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Postings from December 2006
Re: out of memory
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Ron Savage
December 29, 2006 18:34
Re: out of memory
Message ID:
On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 14:28:32 -0800, louis fridkis wrote:
Hi Louis
> Thanks for the suggestions. But, wouldn't it just be better to
> switch back to using fetchrow_array()? Is there any advantage to
> using bind_columns in this case?
Sometimes 'better' refers to personal preference rather than a clear-cut matter
of coding convention or style. I'd say suit yourself, unless there is a clear
advantage doing things in one particular way.
This is from my tiny list of DBI best practices:
Use prepare_cached(), and then:
my %row;
$sth->bind_columns( \( @row{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));
while ($sth->fetch)
print "$row{region}: $row{sales}\n";
Actually, I'd like to see a best practices doc alongside the DBI doc, unless
there is already such a doc (and I'm sure I'll get told if there is).
Ron Savage, on 30/12/2006
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